He is able to accomplish infinitly more than we would ever dare to ask or hope... Ephesians 3:20. I want my life to be a reflection of Him, covered in his fingerprints and to surrendered to his extravagant plan.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I really hate having a messy room.. you probably wouldn't guess that most of the time when you see it but it's true, really. The other day I was in one of those moods where I felt like doing some really deep cleaning and declutterizing (is that even a word??).. and so I was going through my closet and my desk and getting rid of things. Under my desk was a pile of boxes that had been sitting there since Christmas. I had been meaning to get rid of them for a long time but after I while they just became a part of the landscape of my room and I didn't even notice them anymore. Clearly, they were serving absolutely no purpose and only getting in the way, but time (and probably laziness) kept me from even seeing them anymore. I'm reminded of the "clutter" in my own life sometimes, the little things that I don't notice that are either serving no purpose or hindering me in some way. Yet, because I have become accustomed to them I can't even tell. It's times like that when I'm thankful to be surrounded by such amazing people, friends and family that aren't afraid to point out what I can't see and who aren't afraid to tell me the hard truth.

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