He is able to accomplish infinitly more than we would ever dare to ask or hope... Ephesians 3:20. I want my life to be a reflection of Him, covered in his fingerprints and to surrendered to his extravagant plan.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Boa Tarde from Mozambique!
I'm finally here!! After an adventure of cancelled flights, long delays and unplanned trips to Germany, we got here yesterday!! I slept really well last night... except for waking up once hearing laughing because I was talking in my sleep. Caitlyn asked me who I was talking to and I told her "south Aftica" i guess... lol We got up and went on a tour of the town. It was a little overwhelming to see all of the poverty but the kids and their bright smiles and cheerful greetings made our day. We also went to the market where we bought capalanas (African dress). For lunch we went to a really neat restaurant in Beira that was right on the beach. It was great getting to know our translators, Arcillio and Vacinti . we spent the afternoon playing soccer on the beach and trying to sing worship songs together in Portuguese... it was funny. Tomorrow we're going to get to work. we're responsible to lead a youth group meeting on the topic of love. It's really overwhelming to see everything. It really makes me think when I compare it to life back home. To me, I know that in a month I will be back to life as normal, but this is ALL that they have. I'm so encouraged by the joy that I have seen in them. Even in the midst of all of this they take time to smile and say hello. I'm going to be posting more soon but I just wanted to let everyone know that I made it here!!

Prayer requests
-Good health, (sleeping well)
-energy and enthusiasm to get things done!

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