He is able to accomplish infinitly more than we would ever dare to ask or hope... Ephesians 3:20. I want my life to be a reflection of Him, covered in his fingerprints and to surrendered to his extravagant plan.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I really didn't have anything to say... I was just overcome by an overwhelming sense of guilt that I haven't posted anything for a while so I thought I would. OK, not really. I just don't want to go to bed yet... I got on here not knowing what I was going to write about, but the task it's self proved to be a worthy topic. I KNOW that it's been too long when I can't remember what my password is... yeah, I know...that's bad. Maybe it's just because I'm such a devoted student that I can't make time to blog...
I must have tried at least 10 different passwords.. ranging from old ones that I've used in the past to my dog's name. I was getting really frustrated and could not think of any other possibilities, and was trying them over and over in hopes that something would work. Then I looked down and noticed that I was supposed to be typing out one of those annoying little code things that pops up for security purposes.. or whatever. I HAD been entering the right password, I just wasn't giving it all the information that it wanted. Blinded by frustration I totally had missed something that was right in front of me. I wonder how many other times this has been the case? How else am I blind because I let myself get so wrapped up and overwhelmed? Sometimes, I just need to take a deep breath and open my eyes.

1 comment:

  1. You had me until about the last three sentences. Just had to go all fortune cookie didn't you:)
